Chapter 449 The Divine Cliff Rebuilt

After knowing that the Violet Demon Monarch's Heart was taken away, Great Emperor Wuwang was not furious. He was merely calmly silent.

  Xiao Hongjun could no longer hold it and said angrily, "You dislike me this much? Will it take your life to come out and see me?"

  Great Emperor Wuwang was still silent.

  Xiao Hongjun was so angry that she struck the gate with her palm. The entire gate shook violently but did not open.

  After venting her anger a while, Xiao Hongjun left in a rage.

  A long while later.

  Great Emperor Wuwang's voice came softly, "Seems like I should really be leaving. A pity that I cannot participate in such a spectacular era."


  The three-year-wait was finally over.

  Zhou Xuanji absorbed a lot of celestial power and had grown greatly in power.