Chapter 480 Titled the Sword Emperor

Ancient Gazing!

  Seven Emotions Evil Sword!

  And it can continue to grow more powerful!

  Zhou Xuanji was pleasantly surprised. Now that he had two Ancient Gazing legendary swords, he must have grown much more powerful.

  However, he was on his way to the God Palace, so he could not take the sword out.

  Soon, he came to the gate of the God Palace. Just when he was about to speak, the gate opened and Old Star Lord's voice came.

  "Come in."

  Zhou Xuanji walked in with a straight face.

  When the army of immortal gods retreated, he did not follow. This must have led to some suspicion among the immortal gods.

  But since he did nothing to betray the God Palace, he could speak boldly.

  After entering the palace, he saw the Master of Gods and Old Star Lord staring at him. Giant God Huang Hao was around as well but with his back facing him.

  Zhou Xuanji walked up and cupped his fist in respect.