Chapter 534 – Hundred Races Invade

Heavenly Law Violet Qi…

Xian Xianghua sank into her thoughts. The white-haired elder had told her much about the Heavenly Saints, and she understood how dangerous this matter was.

Each time people contended for the position of Saint, disaster would always be brought to many Great Thousand Worlds; no one could escape.

"Do we know where the Heavenly Law Violet Qi is?" Xian Xianghua asked out of curiosity. Who did not want to become a Saint?

The white-haired elder shook his head and said, "Even the Demonic Ancestor doesn't know, much less us. It will definitely be fought over by those undying existences. We just need to help the Demonic Ancestor kill enemies and gather information."

Hearing this, Xian Xianghua felt that his words were quite reasonable.

The two of them soon flew off in a direction.


After returning from the Beast Realm, Zhou Xuanji flew towards the Center God Province.