Chapter 566 – Buddha Yang Ling

Seeing so many people dare to try to snatch his treasure, the muscular man was enraged.

"You can all go die!" he roared, as countless bolts of lightning descended from the sky, blasting the ground.

Many cultivators could not dodge in time and were hit by the lightning, causing them to disintegrate into dust.

Some cultivators with powerful cultivations easily dodged, and they continued flying towards the golden stone.

Zhou Xuanji did not act and instead silently watched.

He focused his divine sense on the golden stone; he was curious as to what it was.

He could hear a heartbeat from the golden stone.

Even though he was quite far away, he could still hear it clearly.

The massive black python was blasted apart by the lightning and turned into dust that lingered in the air.

"Hegemon Sovereign Xuanlei, you're going too far!"

"The treasure is not yours; why can't we contend for it?"