Chapter 590 Another Heavenly Law Violet Qi

Facing Old Ancestor Hongshi's rage, Buddha Yang Ling shook his head in disapproval. His body quickly grew taller.

  In an instant, he was 1,000 miles tall, just like that black shadow.

  Looking down at Old Ancestor Hongshi, he said, "Hongshi, you are the Heavenly Saint that acts the least like one. You don't fulfill the standard of the Heavenly Law. I have persuaded you many times to not interfere with the world, but you did not listen. You nurtured saint contenders and have transgressed the Heavenly Law."

  "Today, the Heavenly Lord and I shall destroy you. If there's a next time, don't become a Heavenly Saint again. You are only suited to be an ordinary human."

  After he spoke, he raised his hand to catch Old Ancestor Hongshi.

  The greatly enraged Old Ancestor Hongshi took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down.

  If so.

  Then he shall give it his all to fight this battle!


  Inside the black cauldron.