Chapter 599 – Toyed By Destiny

The Yellow Springs Pillar was very tall, and Zhou Xuanji and the others quickly flew upwards along it.

However, they soon found that the Yellow Springs Pillar did not seem to have an end.

"Don't let your minds be swayed; if you stop, it might be over for you."

Ren Niming's voice sounded out in everyone's ears, causing Xuan Daoya to tremble.

Everyone else was very resolute.

Now that things had come to this, there was no way to retreat.

Zhou Xuanji wanted to revive Lady Zhaoxuan.

Qiu Hu vowed to follow Zhou Xuanji to the death.

Si Mengyan wanted to take revenge for Old Ancestor Hongshi.

Ren Niming wanted to become destiny again.

Only Xuan Daoya did not feel much.

"Right after I left Emperor Sword Court, I fell into another hole…"

Xuan Daoya felt an ache in his liver, and his heart was filled with regret.