Chapter 604 Overlord Saint Pellet

"Where are we going now?"

  Qiu Hu asked, looking forward to what was going to happen next.

  If Zhou Xuanji could kill a Saint, it would become more likely that Zhou Xuanji could become a Saint.

  If one day even destiny was defeated, Zhou Xuanji would become the most powerful being under the Heavenly Law.

  And at that time, he would rise in status too.

  Just the thought of it made him excited.

  Ren Niming smiled mysteriously and said, "The Void."

  After that, he took the lead while the rest followed closely behind.

  Along the way, Si Mengyan asked about the relationship between Ren Niming and Barbarian God Huangluo curiously.

  And Ren Niming spoke truthfully.

  A long time ago, when there were yet Heavenly Saints, he saved Barbarian God Huangluo and taught him how to become powerful.

  Without exaggeration, he could be considered Barbarian God Huangluo's revered teacher. The teacher of a Heavenly Saint.