Chapter 638 Emperor Sword Immortal

After the mountain crumbled, the entire world was exhilarated!

  Zhou Xiaoxuan became the god of ten billion people on Earth!

  She was as powerful as those heroes in the legends!

  Destroying a 1,000-meter-tall mountain with one strike!

  If they were to cultivate themselves, would they become this powerful?

  At the moment, everyone was in awe. What came after awe was a fantasy.

  Everyone from children to elderly people was in great excitement.

  Could spiritual Qi increase their longevity?

  Countless people asked this question. Each internet platform was at the brink of shutting down from the viewers' comments and questions.

  In a mansion.

  Xian Xianghua, Jiang Xue, and Lady Zhao Xuan were watching the live stream on the sofa.

  "Quite impressive."

  Xian Xianghua said with passionate eyes. Apparently, she wanted to be in the limelight too.