Chapter 644 – Overlord Saint Level 3

Hearing the Flame Emperor's threat, Old Ancestor Yinxin lowered his head and said furiously, "You little brat, you dare to say that I'm playing with fire? You think I won't just kill you?"

Given his generation and standing, how could he allow the Flame Emperor to point fingers at him like this?

The Flame Emperor did not reply, but the ten Void Boundary Great Emperors continued to give chase.

"Wait till I get to the Kunlun Origin Court. The next time I come out, you'll all be dead!

"If it wasn't for the fact that my cauldron is brewing wine, your souls would all have scattered by now!

"Hmph, wait to be terrified!"

Old Ancestor Yinxin continuously cursed out as he flew at his full speed.

Hearing Old Ancestor Yinxin's words, Qiu Hu's scalp felt numb as he called out, "Senior, please stop taunting them!"

Sheng Tiandao and Si Mengyan were also quite afraid, wishing they could gag Old Ancestor Yinxin.