Chapter 658 Great Li Divine Suppressor Technique

The black cat thought deeply at Zhou Xuanji's words, and Zhou Xuanji did not interrupt its thoughts.

  He might expose himself if he acted too proactively. It was better to take a backseat and let the cat think about it.

  A while later.

  "Damn you brat!" the black cat cursed frantically, "You are trying to fool me! I asked you to entertain me, not bargain with me!"

  Zhou Xuanji sighed, "You are one of the Five Ultimate Gods. Are you willing to be trapped here forever? Whether you are a human or a cat, we all have dreams and goals."

  A cat?

  The black cat cried out furiously with eyes opened wide, "I am Barbaric Ultimate God! I'm not a cat!"

  The loud voice almost dissipated Zhou Xunaji's soul.


  You wait!

  Zhou Xuanji thought in his heart while appearing to be calm.

  And now, Zhou Xuanji had no choice but to tell some jokes.