Chapter 667 The Dao Ancestors Teamed Up

"My name is Zhou Xuanji indeed. It's just a name. Not worth to be mentioned," Zhou Xuanji nodded and replied humbly, and the Dao Ancestors looked at each other in dismay.

  They did not expect the 12-Star genius to be this lowkey. The person before them was not arrogant at all.

  And so, they began chatting.

  They were curious about a 12-Star genius for sure and did not put up a front. That was because as long as Zhou Xuanji did not die, he would surpass all of them eventually.

  Zhou Xuanji was willing to make friends with them. It was always better to have more friends than to have more enemies. Moreover, these people were not weak either.

  The 12 Dao Ancestors were from different divine ranges. This was either their second or third choice.

  In Kunlun Origin Court, only the first vocation selection did not need merit points. The other two selections required the expenditure of merit points.