Chapter 715 - Daohu Attacking the Origin Court

"I'm not fooling around. I'll go back right away," Beast Sovereign calmly said. When facing the Origin Court War God , he no longer addressed himself as 'this Sovereign,' which showed that the relationship between the two of them was unusual.

The Original Court War God breathed a sigh of relief. He then looked at Zhou Xuanji and said, raising his eyebrows, "So it was you! No wonder this guy forgot himself like this. You are his treasure, he was afraid that you might break."


Zhou Xuanji was speechless. 

What do you mean by break.

However, seeing Beast Sovereign standing together with the Origin Court War God, he couldn't help but think more deeply.

Nangong Jiayin walked to Zhou Xuanji and bowed to the two seniors, cupping her fists.

Beast Sovereign, sizing her up a bit and gently nodded.

Origin Court War God also did the same. Obviously, they regarded Nangong Jiayin as Zhou Xuanji's girl.