Chapter 721 - Soul Source Orb, All Lives Pen

Tie Xin raised her brow and meaningfully said upon hearing Chu Mochen's remark, "So you think yourself as young, huh!? God knows how many years you have cultivated. Aren't you embarrassing yourself? Why? You want to end up like Ying Zhuge?"

Ying Zhuge!?

Chu Muchen lashed out in anger, "What's wrong with Ying Zhuge? At least, he dared to act as per his wishes. The likes of you can't humiliate him!"

Tie Xin ignored him altogether and said with a smile, turning to Zhou Xuanji, "Why do you want to be a Soul Guardian? Is it because you want to reincarnate a certain soul?"

Zhou Xuanji broke into sweat. 

How could this woman guess?

Could it be that the vast majority of the Soul Guardians have this purpose?

"Yes, so am I. Otherwise, who would come to the Soul Source Pool. So boring. In the past, those geniuses reincarnated like this," Tie Xin added with a smile, looking at Chu Mochen contemptuously.