Chapter 777 - The Top of Anti-Kunlun

Seeing how Old Man Daoya was panicking, Xian Xianghua rolled her eyes at him and asked, "Why? What did you foresee?"

This guy always predicted bad fortunes and was always disturbing us.

In the beginning, they were all shocked.

But later, the danger he predicted never came to pass. But he had a thick skin. He had the gal to say that the time hadn't come yet.

"I foresaw that the Evil Sky Divine Range will be reduced to ashes. And the one who would do it will be a mysterious woman!" Old Man Daoya answered in a trembling voice. He was like he had just woken up from a nightmare.

However, Xian Xianghua, Jiang Xue, Zhou Xiaoxuan rolled their eyes and were too lazy to pay attention to him.

Seeing them being indifferent, Old Man Daoya became worried and stated, "I have never foreseen something so clearly. This time it's absolutely true. That woman is too strong. Even Beast Sovereign will be directly beheaded by her!"