Wait! Doesn't That Mean He is Even More Spectacular?

While Krune and the others were training on one side, on the other side Shinja, Yusa, and Lofa were doing the same. But there was something strange, Yusa and Shinja noticed Loja's attention being caught by the men's group several times. Specifically, by Krune. Yusa noticed that something was different and waited until Lofa's focus was away again.

She then snaked behind and whispered on her ears.

"Is there something special about Krune?"

Lofa's heart almost jumped out with that comment. She looked at Yusa with a face as red as a tomato. Yusa and Shinja would need to be blind not to understand what is going on. Shinja couldn't help but comment.

"You can't be serious, right? What exactly did you see in that blockhead that only thinks about food?"

Yusa nodded vigorously. She also couldn't understand that. Lofa tried to say that they were wrong, though.

"That's not it! I swear that's not it!"