
Just as Krune heard that voice, he noticed a surge of spiritual energy entering the compression formation. He then looked in the direction of that voice and noticed that a wisp had thrown itself inside.

"You! Get out of there!"

That wisp heard Krune's orders but completely ignored him.

"Well, I was able to live without worry for a long time here. It was really nice, but I guess I had enough of this already."

Just like the previous time, Krune felt a surge of spiritual energy entering the formation from another side. Once again, another wisp entered the formation.

While Krune eyes were going red, Lakin was going crazy as well. But it didn't stop there.

"Haha! Lakin, you better take care of Cassy well. Otherwise, I will come back to haunt you as a ghost."

"To think that I would leave this world as a hero, not bad for a wisp, right?"