
On the last floor, Krune appeared with Shinja and the others, but there was one thing different this time. As soon as Krune spread his Divine Sense, he could see hundreds of contestants! He immediately spotted Colen, Nala, and Gomat in the middle of the group. In fact, there wasn't even a need for Divine Sense. One just had to look around, and they would be able to see everyone!

Krune soon found Ao, Arlan, Yusa, and...

"Wait! Is that Joty?!"

Krune then immediately sent a Divine Sense message to everyone, and they soon gathered. Krune looked at Joty as if he was seeing a ghost. Considering the difficulty of the levels after the 90th floor, he didn't have much hope of seeing Joty arriving here.

"That's surprising, you really did pass the first test."