Paying Respects to the Sect Master!

But suddenly, Krune noticed that he was already in his human form again. When he looked at himself, he let out a sigh of relief. In the real world, he was still wearing clothes. One must remember that when a demon beast transforms back into their human form, clothes don't merely magically appear on their bodies. They need to dress again after they take the human form. But it seems like Krune and all the other demon beasts in human form did not revert into their original forms outside the Illusion Realm.

Leaving this issue behind, Krune and everyone paid attention to the displays. Of course, the majority didn't know what those distance numbers meant. Still, the ones who participated in the pressure door couldn't be more familiar with it.

Colen, Nala, and Gomat had looks of disbelief on their faces. Even Gomat, who knew that Krune could go further, didn't expect him to move THIS further. What kind of crazy will is that?