It's Because We are Wisps Too.

Krune was being held captive by Lucio, who was drinking tea by his side at that moment. Lucio was using his own Spiritual Energy to seal Krune's cultivation and movements. It doesn't matter what Krune did, he simply couldn't get free from Lucio's grasp.

"As long as you acknowledge me as your Master, you will be set free. Not to mention that being the Sect Master's disciple will bring a lot of advantages for you!"

Krune sighed helplessly.

"Why me? You should know by now that I'm a wisp, right? I have a small life span. Is it really okay for the Sect Master of the Divine Path Sect to take a wisp as his disciple?"

Lucio heard that and laughed.

"Whatever I do is my problem, and no one will complain to start with. As for the fact that you are a wisp, as long as you reach the Divine Path Realm, that problem will be resolved."

Krune still wasn't satisfied.

"You haven't told me why I was selected."

Lucio smiled and said.