
Krune and Feifei were using a roundabout route, so it took them some time longer to arrived at the borders of the central region of the Dimensional Realm. So far, they had also fought a few demon beasts, but nothing that they couldn't deal with. If anything, they had it quite easy until now.

But it seemed like their luck went just this far. Finally, they poked a hornet's nest and were swarmed by a large number of three-horned beetles! Those beetles weren't strong individually, with just a few of then barely reaching the late stages of the Foundation Establishment and even less at the middle stage. But the number alone wasn't something that the two of them could deal with anytime soon.

"There are too many of them! If we get surrounded, things might get really complicated."

Feifei used a wide range of fire attacks to keep delaying the swarm. In contrast, Krune targeted the higher cultivation ones with Tribulation Thunder Lines.