Playing Around

Fian, the younger brother, used his movement skill to approach Krune while taking out a Halberd. When he close to, he noticed that Krune didn't look as if he was surprised at all.

"Hehe! Let's see how long you can keep acting cool."

"Earth Nova!"

Earth Element gathered around Fian's weapon while it came hacking down. This was an attack that not only had high destructive power, it also connected the Earth Element on the weapon with the Earth Element in the ground to immobilize the enemy.

Just as the attack was about to connect, Purple Lightning started to flow around Krune's human body.

"Tribulation Lightning Movement, 60%."


In a flash of purple light, Krune disappeared from his position and reappeared over a hundred meters away. Fian's mouth opened wide when he saw that. Even with his Divine Sense, he could only barely keep a tag on Krune's movement. He was obviously much faster than his fastest speed.