The Five Minutes is Up

Once Krune and Ruik arrived in the open Field, the City Guards opened the circle and gave Ruik and his opponent enough space to fight.

Krune looked at the Lavara Falimy Group Leader and remembered one thing.

"Oh, right! I still haven't asked your name."

"Lahain Lavara."

Krune nodded and then went to a corner to watch the show. The guards also kept a close look at him to make sure he wouldn't escape during the battle. But as far it seemed, Krune looked like he already knew the result.

The Captain of the City Guards Group came forward, and the said.

"You know the rules, so I won't waste my time with this shit."


Lahain then started to gather Spiritual and Elemental Source energy when suddenly, he heard a voice coming from his side.

"The five minutes is up, the challenger has lost."