
Krune's group wasn't the only one to notice it. Everyone felt like things were getting worse. 

Krune then sent a Divine Sense Message to everyone.

"Guys, if we keep waiting like this, the situation will only deteriorate. My group and I are going to charge ahead to try to pass this Realm as fast as possible. The rest of you can do whatever you want. You can keep moving slowly, or you can speed up as well. Whether you follow us or not, it is up to you all."

Krune didn't wait for a confirmation from the others, and his group immediately departed. Of course, Krune only gave voice to everyone's thoughts. As soon as he started moving, the other groups did the same. Because no one knew where to go, they decided to tag along together as well.

Sure enough, the number of fake Demon Beasts and Cultivators started to increase, and so did their power.