Zenfin Sect

That's all Krune could do for the moment. So he went directly back to his room and started to check the information about higher-level pills. During there years, Krune's alchemy level increased by leaps and bounds, so he was already considered a Nine Golden Stars Alchemist.

The reason for such a fast pace of improvement was very simple. The Golden Stars Level were directly connected to one's comprehension of Laws. At the moment, it is hard to find a single Soul Forging Realm with Laws as advanced as Krune, let alone Divine Soul Realm ones. That's why his pills were already at this level.

"Sigh... Diamond Level Pills need Chaos Energy. There is no way I can concoct such a thing. I will have to go with the highest Golden Stars one that I can find."

Fortunately, no one heard Krune. Such words probably have the power to kill other alchemists.

Krune searched through the system and soon found a target.