
It turns out that Feifei was correct. There was really someone Cinty liked. Surprisingly, it was someone a lot younger than herself too. Cinty is already 301 years old, while the one she likes is a little bit over 200. Still, his cultivation was close to her own at that time. Cinty was at the 1st Stage of the Void Breaking Realm while he was at the 8th Stage of the Soul Forging.

His name was Kiirion, a Silver Feathered Kite. Cinty came to know him over 70 years ago when she was out looking for some experience after spending some time cultivating. Of course, during the times she was out, she always refrained from using her real form. Hence, although the Kite knows that Cinty is a Demon Beast, he doesn't know that she is a wisp. 

Feifei couldn't help but ask.

"He was already over 200 years old, was he still single when you met?"

Cinty nodded.