Liriu's Peril

Liriu was taken aback by those words.

"I will go too!"

Zulin didn't mind.

"That's up to you. However, the chances of we appearing inside the same Dimensional Realm is minimal. So you should think twice if you really want to take the test. If I were you, I would stay inside the Safe Zone and not leave until the ten years are up. No one can touch you there, after all."

Liriu shook his head.

"I don't want to stay behind. I will try it too!"

Zulin didn't try to stop him. He already helped Liriu for long enough. Although it is extremely dangerous, it might prove to be a good thing for him in the future.

"Very well."

The next day, Liriu and Zulin arrived at the Laws Test Pillar. There were still a lot of cultivators and demon beasts here. Quite a few were surprised to see that Core Formation Realm kid as well. Still, that wasn't their problem, so they just ignored it.