Laex vs. Drovax

Drovax Stepped forward and swung his Dragon Rod, but this time, Laex counter-attacked by punching it.


The Rod was made to teach young dragons, so it obviously couldn't resist a fight at this level. If Drovax hadn't covered it with his Spiritual Energy, it would have definitely broken. Drovax looked at it and then sighed. He quickly put it back into his Spatial Ring and looked seriously at Laex.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Even if you are one of my previous students, I will not hold back."

Laex nodded.

"I said it already, I fulfilled my duty by telling the old geezers that the Dracophoenix existed. There is nothing else to be said now."

Drovax closed his eyes for a second before opening them again.

"Very well."

Suddenly, his body began to transform, and in less than a second, he was already back into his Dragon Form. Seeing that, Laex grimaced. It was evident that Drovax was planning to take it seriously.