Did Any of you Notice?

'First of all, it was after pursuing her that we got ambushed by that guy, so I'm the real one at fault here. If I knew it was going to happen...'

The Scarlet Bear was pondering when suddenly, Feifei began to wake up again.

'Shit, couldn't you sleep for a while longer?'

As Feifei looked at the situation, she saw the Diamond Golem crumbled body in the distance. There was also Krune, Laex, and Heavin in front of her. Last but not least, she was above the Scarlet Bear. 


As Feifei looked at the Scarlet Bear under her, she couldn't help but ask.

"At that time, when I passed out, why did you not leave me behind?"

Feifei passed out, but she still remembered a little of what happened before she lost consciousness completely. The Scarlet Bear and her are enemies, so why would it rescue her at that point?
