Just Watch the Show

Wagando and Erven's groups didn't simply pass through the death zone. They also kept attacking each other, trying to delay the other side. Now and then, they would bump into some cultivators or demon beasts who entered it before them. If they were far, their groups would ignore. If not, they attacked those guys as well.

The only rules were to not fly over 10 meters or leave the path agreed beforehand. Anything else was valid, including killing others.

So far, from the 143 competitors, 38 already perished. Not too surprisingly, half of it was in this death zone alone. 

Suddenly, Erven's group formed a joint attack and targeted one of Wagando's group members. The guy was taken aback and was hit by all their attacks at once. Not only that, he was even thrown right inside one of the volcanos' eruption range.