Gotas City

Krune then asked Luvile.

"Do you know how far this Divine Sense Owner is?"

"At least ten thousand kilometers. However, considering the owner's cultivation, it won't take him or her more than a minute to arrive here. Also, you must not forget that the space on this planet is quite fragile. I believe it won't be hard for anyone at the Mortal Rejection Realm or above to open a Spatial Gate around."

Krune nodded.

"It's okay. The owner of this Divine Sense is more than far enough. Also, Spatial Gates don't open instantly. We have a lot of time. Not to mention that whoever it is, he or she is probably not intending to get close. If you consider the gap between our cultivations, the other side probably thinks we didn't notice anything."

Luvile agreed with Krune. Iem and Harold were also having a similar type of conversation and reached the same conclusion. 

Krune then looked at Sisan and Iem before saying.

"You two, get close to me."