
The agent nodded.

"Sure, if you want everything we know about the place, it will cost you 3530 Migan Stones."

The price was quite high. However, it was worth it if they could find that Chaotic Demon Flower and bring it out to trade. Krune then took out the Migan Stones and passed it over. The agent smiled after seeing that.

"Wait here a minute. I'll be right back."

Sure enough, the agent came back with a jade slip not too long after. After passing it to Krune's group, he closed the door and left. Seeing that, the three of them poured their Divine Senses inside to check the contents.

The Chaotic Pathway is a place at the south pole of the planet. From the looks of it, that is the weakest point of the Celestial Protection Formation. It's not that the Protection Formation is breaking down, but that it is the furthest point from the four cores that keep it running.