Primordial Demon Beast

As soon as it opened, a burst of highly concentrated Godly Energy came out. That was to be expected. The last time when Krune's group entered the Dimeisonal Realm, the Godly Energy was at the same level or even higher than the Sealed Space. At the moment, they are in outer space where Godly Energy concentration is minimal. Naturally, the Godly Energy inside began to flow out like a deflating balloon.

"Salo, Nimva, Drafker. You three stay outside and make sure to keep the passage open."

Aragan and Binmia saw Franlia passing those orders and called a few of their God Foundation members to do the same. After all, neither of them wanted to get locked in that place.

"Alright, let's go."

Franlia entered with Krune, Iem, and the rest of her members one after another. Of course, Aragan and Bunmia didn't waste time and followed her closely. They quickly arrived on the other side and were finally able to see how things looked like.