Dole Universe

Dole Universe. This one had recently gone through an all-out war against its neighbor, the Maqem Universe. Although it was a pyrrhic victory, the ones who ended up having their Universe destroyed were the Maqem people and demon beasts. 

Of course, the Dole Universe was also deeply affected, still being in a state of recovery. Fortunately, the other 'nearby' Universes didn't have an interest in Dole after how it turned out after the war. Besides, the Dole experts were at their wit's end, so the others didn't want to make them use desperate measures.

Of course, such a thing wasn't that rare in the grand scheme of things. Dole was just one more of these nigh uncountable number of Universes out there in the Mortal Realm. Naturally, there were others who passed through the same issue.