
As Luvile had mentioned, the few cities available in this place came to be after many chaos cycles. Then again, Luvile Universe's ascension spot was even more remote than Luvile Universe itself. Fortunately, it had teleport formations to the outside world. This was also a good and relatively safe place for those who practiced Water Element skills.

Soren brought everyone to a city called Hastol, where they immediately obtained information about which part of the Godly Path Realm they were at the moment. Everything went as they had expected, and they finally could tell where they were.

"Alright, I know where we can go now. If you guys have nothing to do here, we're going to leave straight away."

Krune and the others nodded at Soren's words. He was the only one with a power equivalent to a Nascent God, so they needed him to open the Spatial Gates.