Just a Simple Fat Cultivator

"Hahaha!" Trivar cackled with joy as hundreds of demon beasts flew out from his spatial ring. They were the forces he had stored inside while the caravan was passing through the Falling Boulders Precipice.

He actually had a reason for storing them in the ring as they would be useful to him later. Unfortunately, he had to use them earlier than expected because of the threat Trivar felt from afar. 

The demon beasts flew out and attacked the bandits, ganging up on each one before shredding them apart.

At least five demon beasts targeted one bandit, killing them after 10 to 15 consecutive blows. Whack and Zuna's expressions crumbled as the bandit group they had nurtured through the years was being torn to pieces like paper.

Unfortunately for them, they couldn't move away from their spots and help them out. Yuric stopped them using his Spiritual Incarnation. All this time, Whack and Zuna were making sure that they didn't step on the swamp Yuric had created.