Pestle and Mortar

[Region: Epic Hell]

[Entry Cost for the Region, Magnificent Forest: 100 Godly Points]

Upon noticing the change, Krune read the words displayed on the tablet, focusing on the cost necessary to leave the region and enter the next one, the one covered by the forest. Upon seeing its brilliantly horrible naming scheme, Krune realized the next region would be no different from his current place, Epic Hell. 

"It needs 100 Godly Points," Krune frowned as he muttered, still unable to determine a method to obtain Godly Points. He then punched the tablet once, watching the contents displayed on its change.

[Region: Epic Hell]

[Number of cultivators: 71]

[Total Score: 16 Godly Points]

[Highest Score: 12 Godly Points]


<1: Matternock [12 Godly Points]>

<2: Stockpil: [3 Godly Points]>

<3: Grancey: [1 Godly Point]>