How Can I Get to Safety?

[Layer 2: Demon Invasion]

[Killed one Demon Soldier]

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Krune couldn't help but curse out loud. "That strong beast was just a fucking Demon Soldier? And how come I got a notification but didn't receive any Godly Point?"

Even though his Monster Gecko skin armor filtered out most of the miasma, some of it still got inside as the burning sensation in his body continued to increase. Krune hurriedly looked around using his Sonic Radar, noticing numerous beasts, or as mentioned in the tablet, demons in the valley. 

There were at least hundreds of them that made Krune flinch upon sensing them. He dared not even peek with his head as he immediately backed away from the cliff, using his Sonic Radar to notice a hill located far away.