Reaching Peak Tier 1

At Tier 1, Krune felt that he had indeed grown a lot stronger. Not only was his physique the same size as usual, but his external appearance also didn't change. But internally, it was completely different. His density had definitely increased. His muscles had grown tougher to wield all his weight, making him stronger, faster, and tougher. 

Even his skin was a lot stronger now. Krune felt happy that he was able to grow once again. Nevertheless, the greatest of this boon was the fact that all his abilities had grown stronger as well. It was like their effect had grown as potent as the density of his body did. Of course, that effect also applied to his Ocean Heart. 

Krune noticed that even though he was eating the same amount of food, as usual, the increase in brightness of the crimson rings in his Ocean Heart was becoming slower and slower with each passing day.