A Cunning Mind

"Sir Pestlor, I've created a legal identity for you." After processing the words Krune told him in utter disbelief, Wrister eventually handed him an identity card. On it was the face of Krune with a well-trimmed beard, a tiny mustache, and neatly combed hair, all blue in color. 

Naturally, he had to dye his hair. After all, no matter his disguise, his rainbow-colored hair was a clear indicator of his identity. So, unless he changed it, he would be spotted no matter where he went within the city. And now that he had changed his getup, Krune looked at the mirror, almost failing to identify himself. 

"If even I find it this difficult to recognize myself, I'm sure even Raka wouldn't be able to recognize me." Smiling, he returned to the first reservoir, noticing that it was completely filled up now. The substance looked like soil, but it was only the remains of the fish paste that the bone trees didn't absorb.