The Side Effect Kicks In

"Idiot, you're also an old man." Feifei lightly smacked Krune on the head, hugging him tightly as she told him, "I missed you."

"I missed you too." Krune hugged in return, feeling the warmth in his embrace as he inhaled Feifei's scent, feeling as if he had returned home. However, just as he was about to say something, his face convulsed as he began to shout, "It hurts! Don't hug so tightly!"

"But, I didn't exert much force, though." Feifei was suddenly alarmed as she stepped back, noticing Krune's condition, shouting with a shrill voice, "Your nose! It's bleeding!"

"Eh?" Krune was confused as he touched his nose, noticing the blood that was leaking out like a stream, failing to understand when his vision spun, losing consciousness as he collapsed. 

"Krune!" Feifei caught hold of him, shouting in alarm as she noticed veins popping all over his body, causing it to shudder nonstop.