Poison Specter Spiritual Mark

"Hah!" Krune shouted, morphing his ethereal form to condense a hand as he threw a Sun Stone, frowning when it made an arc and only traversed three meters. 



"Let me try it again." Krune acted as if the first throw had never happened, picking up the Sun Stone before flying towards a Poison Spectre, hurling the Sun Stone towards it.

The Poison Spectre had an ethereal figure, capable of morphing its shape as it pleased. When it saw the Sun Stone coming at it, it expanded like a sheet of blanket while a hole formed in the middle. The Sun Stone passed through the hole, failing to kill it. 

Fortunately, the higher quality radiance from the Sun Stone singed the sides of the hole, causing the Poison Spectre to shriek in pain as it unleashed a breath of misty substance that tried to corrode everything in its path.