The Sect Tour (Part 2)

"Have you been to the Sub-Realm?" the lady asked, turning around as she inspected their bodies using Divine Sense, noticing how dense their physique was, concluding, "It seems you are indeed from there. That makes things simpler."

"They are the very same Black Demons you might have seen in Layer 2 of the Sub-Realm," she replied. 

"So, this is how they look." Tina nodded, having not seen one while she was in Layer 2. The highest she saw was a Red Demon. Her physique, back when she was in the Sub-Realm, was as strong as a Red Demon. 

Gegrafikan was the same, possessing physical strength on par with a Red Demon. Now, they gazed at the sheer presence oozed by the Black Demons, honestly surprised at how strong they were. 

Upon seeing more than thirty Black Demons in one group, they were alarmed. However, upon seeing the white tattoo of a mountain on their foreheads, Tina and Gegrafikan visibly relaxed.