A Friend In Need

Upon seeing Krune—Wang Hu—approaching them, none of the villagers paid him any heed as the elderly, giving him derisive looks even, displaying that he wasn't well-received in the place. 

But, that was only because he was an old coot still alive while the younger members of their village had died from starvation in the past month. 

'So, Old Leaf had been picked up by that Yin Beast.' Krune understood the gist of things, turning around as he returned to his house, uncaring. Wang Hu and the one called Old Leaf didn't share a good relationship.

Thus, he didn't feel anything for the other party's death. Instead, there was only the worry that Old Leaf's body didn't satiate the Yin Beast enough. 

Krune suppressed the weak-willed thoughts from Wang Hu as he arrived at the backyard once again. 'It's not the time to be high profile yet. I have to first solve the issue of food shortage.'