Junior of Conflicts

"Then, how are we supposed to fight them? They have twice the number of Primal Gods on their side," Feifei frowned as she asked. 

"Tianal and Boldak will have to hold on until the Primal Gods are strengthened by Zamura. We'll have to press on until then." Krune smiled wryly in response. "It's impossible to plan everything, you know. Whether it's through trickery or deceit, we'll have to fight for time."

"Time…" Feifei sighed as she heard that. "I guess this is our only option!" 

She noticed that there wasn't any barrier between the mortals and the immortals in the Celestial Battlefield. This meant that when needed, the immortals could launch an attack on the mortals. 

"This is bad. The number of immortals on our side is pitiful when compared to theirs. Even with our strength, we're bound to be overwhelmed for sure," Feifei muttered.