Little Cally’s Choice

"I'll… do it." Little Cally gave in the end, gritting its teeth as it vanished.

Immediately after, a mysterious power of calamity swerved into the thundercloud, rapidly increasing the power of the tribulation as Sterlena's face paled all of a sudden. 

"Wait, why is it growing stronger?" She was alarmed, face paling as despair clouded her mind. "T-This is something that even a God wouldn't survive against."

"Hah, is this my fate?" Sterlena sighed before gritting her teeth, shouting, "As if! I'm the strongest Primal God! I won't be killed by a mere tribulation!"

Immediately after that, Sterlena's aura continued to climb up as she rapidly absorbed the swirling Godly Energy, actually growing stronger in response to the stress as she was getting strong enough to actually face such a tribulation. 

"She's already become as strong as a God…" the old man muttered in shock, smacking his lips. "As expected of a True Spirit. A fucking monster!"