Constructing the Wisp City

The First Wisp City of the God Realm. The moment Krune expressed this thought, everyone became excited. 

After all, a place exclusive to their race, where the habitat was perfectly suited for their birth and survival, was a cause for celebration. And, they wished to give their all to ensure this place was the best for all wisps. 

With that, Krune began to ponder, falling deep in thought, wondering what structure he should erect in the place to ensure it catered to the needs of the wisps to the utmost level. 

"First, wisps love to play. So, it has to be in such a fashion where the newborn wisps can play lots and still cultivate through that," Krune muttered, discussing with Kulla and Kuttul, the oldest among the rest of the wisps. 

"Uncle, every house should be attached to a garden, preferably a floating island garden. All of us love to cook and forge items, so this is necessary," Kulla suggested.