The Mist Sect Invades

"Did something happen, big sis? Why are you depressed?" Krune asked using a clone. 

"You see…" Sterlena said after some time, inhaling a deep breath. "When this supercontinent was forming, it had taken the characteristics of the strongest of the Mountain Sect, as we were the victors of the war and now own the supercontinent. So, regions bearing such characteristics appeared." 

"Yes." Krune nodded. 

"So, I was excited, thinking that a region suitable to the True Spirits would finally appear," Sterlena said as her eyes turned moist. "However, I'm unable to sense it."

"You can sense such things?" Krune frowned. "The Turia Supercontinent is too vast. We have yet to explore more than a tenth of the area. So I'm sure the place you're seeking would be around somewhere."