Creation of the Laughing Tower

"Please stop! I'm your friend!" A cultivator screamed when his lifelong friend, someone that he had accompanied through many battles, was now aiming for his neck with reckless insanity. 


As the cultivator continued to evade the attacks, his eyes became gradually heavy. Eventually, he, too, lost all semblance of intelligence, leaping onto his attacking friend. 

The two close friends were now a pair of mindless zombies tearing each other apart. 

Even more tragic situations happened everywhere as hordes of people swarmed one another. Mindless, lacking any semblance of their original selves, devouring everything in their paths.


And among them were flying zombies, cultivators that had lost their minds. All the Semi-God Realm cultivators already fell under the effects. The God Trial Realm cultivators were barely enduring, but their sanity was slowly slipping.