
The arrival of Krune's clone at the Garg Realm indeed alerted countless Gods, causing them to use their respective laws spread throughout the Garg Realm to manifest before him immediately, alert as they glared at him. 

Shortly after, the Garg Realm Champion manifested before him, asking while raising an eyebrow, "Krune?"

"Yep." The clone smiled, waving his hand in response. 

"You've reached the God Realm so quickly?" The Garg Realm Champion was surprised for a moment before asking, "So, why have you infiltrated my realm? You do know such an act is offensive, right?"

'As if you haven't done that to my realm hundreds of times throughout history.' Krune mentally rolled his eyes in response. But externally, he cupped his fists and spoke with a tone of respect, "It has been a long time since we last met. I came here this time with a small proposal."