The End

Turmul was entirely devoured. Krune was dead as well. And now, hovering in the void, was a tiny object, one that was once a Wisp Core. Now, it was just an essence, one concentrated with all the powers Turmul obtained, possessed, and wielded. 

Now, they had been refined into an elixir that, upon consumption, would allow the Universe Realm to grow more and even surpass the authority of the Eight Chiefs. 

Upon realizing that, the Kun Peng Chief broke out of his stupor, bellowing as his figure rushed forth. "Don't allow that Wisp Core to fall in the hands of the Gods!"

At his words, all eight Chiefs rushed at the Wisp Core as a flash of lightning blazed past, accompanied by a beaming trail of energy supported by the Universe Realm. 

It resembled a fish, sporting feathers all over its body in place of skin, streamlined, expressing an aura of peace. On its front was a long bone shaped like a needle.